Book Lists and Recommendations

Caroline Hewins: Opening the world of libraries to children

(Hartford Public Library Children's Room, Chairvolotti 2020)

Book Recommendations

Caroline Hewins was appalled by the type of books children were reading and requesting. Remembering the rich literature she read as a child, she wanted to provide a like experience for the children of Hartford.


Caroline wrote several booklists; some were in the library bulletin, and some were published as books.                                                                                         

Suggestions on What to Read -1878

Books for the Young: a Guide for Parents and Children -1882

Books for Boys and Girls -1897

Books for Boys and Girls -1904 2d ed., rev

Books for Boys and Girls -1915 3d ed., rev

Books for the Young, 1882 ​​​​​​​( Hartford History Center, Hartford Public Library, Hartford CT)

Modern Fairy Tales section from Books for the Young, 1882 ​​​​​​​( Hartford History Center, Hartford Public Library, Hartford CT)

The booklists were by genre (i.e. outdoors, fiction, fairytales, etc.), with the author, title, and cost. Some of the book lists also had brief descriptions of the books.

People from different libraries wrote to Miss Hewins for advice on books that would be good for children; she was always willing to share her literary recommendations.

Letter from Samuel S. Green, Librarian, Free Public Library Worcester, Mass., 1902. Letter courtesy Connecticut Historical Society.

A Mid Century Child and Her Books, 1926 (Caroline Hewins' Autobiography)

Illustration from A Mid Century Child and Her Books, 1926

Caroline wrote her autobiography, A Mid Century Child and Her Books. In this, she discussed many favorite books and included illustrations from them.

"Time and thought have been given to suggesting in this bulletin good books for boys and girls... We shall gladly cooperate with fathers and mothers in the choice of good books."
~ Caroline Hewins, Hartford Library Association Bulletin 1878